
Using GeoGebra to Provide Online Exploration and Collaboration

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Saved by Geoff Roulet
on April 24, 2012 at 3:32:24 pm

Using GeoGebra to Create Online Interactive Explorations


GeoGebra, since it is written in Java, integrates well with the Web.  The software has tools for creating a Dynamic Worksheet as Webpage or for copying the code for applets that may be embedded in wiki pages or in pages within a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Desire to Learn (D2L) or Moodle.  With these tools you can create mathematical objects with which your students can interact.


Click here for an example: Score_a_Basket.html that could be used in the Grade 10 Academic course.


Click Modelling Gas Prices for an example of an applet and instructions embedded in a wiki page.


Click here for a second example, a Triangle Classification Game that could be used in the Geometry and Spatial Sense strand of Grade 5.


Teachers across the globe are contributing to a pool of these online GeoGebra resources at GeoGebra Tube


Explore Area of Parallelograms, Patron du Cube or Happy Halloween


Creating a Dynamic Worksheet in a basic form is quite simple.



Using GeoGebra to Display and Share Student Work


The simple production of webpages displaying GeoGebra products provides students with a tool to display and share their mathematical work. Steve Phelps, a teacher at Madeira High School (Cincinnati, OH), has set up a wiki (http://madeiramath2.wikispaces.com/) where his students in the Honours Geometry course post their solutions to problems. Many of these involve the use of GeoGebra.


Go to: http://madeiramath2.wikispaces.com/


See the work posted by Abby J and Andrea W


Go to: http://madeiramath2.wikispaces.com/3D  to see a screen cast by Amy S showing work in 3 D geometry using the beta version of GeoGebra 5.0 (http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/5.0/geogebra-50.jnlp).



Using GeoGebra to Support Collaborative Exploration and Problem Solving


By combining a wiki (PBworks) with GeoGebra we can set up an online environment for students to work collaboratively on mathematics problems.


For an example of this go to: http://collabmath.pbworks.com/


Go to Collaborate and contribute to the development of a solution to the problem posted there. 



The instructions for the activities above are also available as a PDF document.
















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