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Expanding Your Course Website to Support Student Sharing and Collaboration

Page history last edited by Geoff Roulet 10 years, 10 months ago

This is the start page for a workshop presented by Geoff Roulet and Jill Lazarus at the Feb 2, 2013 Quinte - St Lawrence Mathematics Association (QSLMA) conference, Queen's University, Faculty of Education, Kingston, ON


The linked pages should also be useful for those not attending the workshop, but wishing to use GeoGebra and Jing to add student sharing and collaboration to the online component of a mathematics course.



In this session we will explore how a course website using a wiki service (PBworks, http://pbworks.com/; Wikispaces, http://www.wikispaces.com/), or an LMS can facilitate the sharing of student ideas and support collaborative problem solving through the posting of student created Jing (http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) screen capture videos and GeoGebra (http://www.geogebra.org/cms/) applets. We will demonstrate how these tools were used in a Grade 10 Academic (MPM2D) (Ontario curriculum) course.



To share mathematical work using a wiki, GeoGebra, and Jing, workshop participants and students must be able to complete three tasks: edit a wiki page, embed a GeoGebra applet in a wiki page, and record and embed a Jing video in a wiki page. The links below will take you to pages that provide general instructions for these three steps.



In the workshop we will use the above three steps to share work on a Comparing Cell Phone Plans mathematics task.


More details concerning student sharing and collaboration can be found on the wiki at: http://collabmath.pbworks.com/


A journal article by Jill Lazarus and Geoff Roulet describing work in an Ontario Grade 10 class using a wiki, GeoGebra and Jing for mathematics collaboration appeared in the June 2013 issue of the Ontario Mathematics Gazette. This article can be accessed by clicking on the link below.


Lazarus, J., & Roulet, G. (2013). Communication in a blended math-talk community: Extending the boundaries of classroom collaboration. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 51(4), 34-40.






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