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GeoGebra-NA2014 Workshop: Insert Image and Fix Image

Page history last edited by Geoff Roulet 9 years, 10 months ago


Images may be embedded in the Graphics and Graphics 2 views of GeoGebra. Mathematical operations related to these figures can then be laid on top of the pictures. In this case we will use an image of Wolfe Island and the Lake Ontario shore at Kingston.


1. Right-click on the Wolfe Island image below and save it on your computer desktop.






















2. Click here to Open GeoGebra in a new tab

3. Click the menu icon  in the upper-right corner of the GeoGebra window


4. Select View > Graphics 2


5. Hide the original Graphics view by deselecting it by clicking View > Graphics


6. If the menu is still showing click on the menu icon again to close the menu


7. Drag the left edge of the Graphics 2 window to bring the window into view


8. Click on the insert icon  and in the drop-down menu select Image

  • Click inside the Graphics 2 window
  • Browse to your image file and Open
  • Click OK
  • select the Move tool  and drag the image onto the Graphics 2 window so that it is centred in the window. You may need to drag the edges of the window to change its size.


9. Right-click on the Wolfe Island image and select Object Properties

  • Select Color (Yes, I know it should be colour, but as usual we get the US spelling)
  • Set Opacity at about 50%
  • Select Position > Absolute Position on Screen
  • Close the Object Properties window


10. Select the Move Graphics View tool , move to the Graphics 2 window, left-click and hold, and drag the axes so that the x-axis lies on top of the map scale with the left end of the scale at 0.


11. Set the x-axis scale to correspond with the km scale on the Wolfe Island image by:

  • Select the Move Graphics View tool 
  • Hover over the x-axis somewhere not over the Wolfe Island image. The cursor will change to a left-right arrow
  • Drag the x-axis point left or right to stretch or compress the scale to match the distance (2km) on the image scale


12. Once you have the x-axis scale fixed in the Graphics adjustment window make sure that the xAxis:yAxis ratio is 1:1 by:

  • Right-click on the Graphics 2 window
  • In the pop-up menu select xAxis : yAxis
  • Select 1 : 1


13. Use the Move Graphics View tool to drag the axes so they are centred over the Wolfe Island image


14. Reset the Opacity of the Wolfe Island image to 100% (see 9 above) and deselect Absolute Position on Screen (see 9 above)


15. In the Algebra View window (left window) right-click on the points A and B that came along with the Wolfe Island image and Delete them


16. Fix the location and scale of the image by:

  • Right-click the Graphics 2 window and select Graphics in the pop-up window
  • At the very bottom of the Basic tab click Show Mouse Coordinates
  • Drag your cursor to the 4 corners of the image and record (on paper) the coordinates of each
  • Right-click on the image and then select Object Properties
  • Select Position and enter the missing coordinates for Corner 2 and Corner 4. Note the corners are number in a counter-clockwise direction beginning in the lower left. Do not select Absolute position on Screen


17. Right-click on the image and select Fix Object


18. Right-click in the Graphics 2 window off the image and in the pop-up window click on Axes to remove the axes.


With all of the above we have the Wolfe Island image in GeoGebra in a way that future action, either by you or the students, will not change its scale or position relative to the graph.


Your GeoGebra software should now be as in the image below. If you are having difficulties click on the image to open a new tab with GeoGebra in this state.











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